Józef Skrzek in Toruń 9 June 2009


Józef Skrzek in Toruń Poland 6-8 June 2009. 20 th anniversary of the 1 st democratic elections, 10 th anniversary of John Paul II visit in Toruń and Bydgoszcz



Concerts done by Józef Skrzek at churches on organs and keyboards.
Majestic ceremonies accompanied by sopranos, violin, percussion, recitations, connected with visualizations
Sopranos: Roksana Vikaluk, Aleksandra Poniszowska, Beata Mańkowska
Recitations: Wiesław KomasaII. Panel discussion "Music and democracy"

III. Artistic competition for young people

Bydgoszcz 6 th June 2009
Józef Skrzek concert at St. Matthew Church

Toruń 7 th June 2009
Józef Skrzek concert at St. Catherine Garrison Church

8 th June 2009
1. Artistic competition results, awarding winners
2. Panel discussion on role of music in process of democratic changes around 1989 year.

Role of SBB - ambassador of Polish culture in times of the Iron Curtain We invite artists, representatives of culture and humanistic disciplines, and leaders of democratic changes to take part in discussion. The event is addressed to wide round of recipient interested In music and history.

John Paul II High School no 5 in Toruń, where the panel and the artistic competitions are to be held.The panel is to create an opportunity to talks about music in times of communistic rule, and in the period of changes, to share experiences related to music as the vehicle for peace and strength to endure hard times.

Purposes of the project
1. To honor people who dedicated their lives to democracy and maintanining universal values

2. To draw attention of young people on the issue of national and world cultural and spirituals heritage reaching their emotions and feelings through music

3. To make music of Józef Skrzek known to young people and at the same time to enchance and rise level of ability to conscious receipt of culture.

. Partnerzy:

tpa torunska piwnica artystyczna

Toruńska Piwnica Artystyczna

7 lo

V Liceum Ogólnokształcące im Jana Pawła II

Akcję wspierają


Patronat Honorowy:


Michal Zaleski, The President of Torun


Piotr Całbecki, Marshal of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship

Przewodniczący Sejmiku Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego Krzysztof Sikora

Patronat Medialny:
